A set of utility functions for manipulating arrays, objects, logic, and function composition in JavaScript. This lightweight toolkit simplifies data manipulation and functional programming.
npm install @accelint/core
- A
- and
- andFn
- apply
- applyTo
- assoc
- assocDeep
- associate
- associateDeep
- autoCurry
- B
- compose
- composeLens
- composition
- concat
- constant
- equality
- equalityFn
- every
- filter
- find
- findIndex
- findLast
- findLastIndex
- fork
- get
- I
- identity
- includes
- indexOf
- K
- KI
- lens
- lensOptionalProp
- lensProp
- lookup
- map
- nand
- nandFn
- noop
- nor
- norFn
- not
- notFn
- nullishOr
- nullishOrFn
- once
- optionalProp
- optionalProperty
- or
- orFn
- Phi
- pipe
- prop
- property
- Psi
- push
- reduce
- reduceRight
- reverse
- set
- shift
- slice
- some
- swappedNullishOr
- swappedNullishOrFn
- swappedOr
- swappedOrFn
- tap
- Th
- unshift
- xor
- xorFn