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const rgbaAsStringValidator: ZodPipeline<ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>]>, string[], string>, ZodTuple<[ZodPipeline<ZodPipeline<ZodString, ZodNumber>, ZodNumber>, ZodPipeline<ZodPipeline<ZodString, ZodNumber>, ZodNumber>, ZodPipeline<ZodPipeline<ZodString, ZodNumber>, ZodNumber>, ZodEffects<ZodPipeline<ZodString, ZodNumber>, number, string>]>>

Test for and convert CSS RGB(A) values to numeric RGBA tuple Will only allow for rgb with 3 valid numbers (0-255){3, intergers only} Will only allow for rgba with 4 valid numbers (0-255){3, intergers only} + (0-1){1, decimals allowed} Will allow for whitespace spread throughout

Examples: rgb( 0, 0, 0 ) -> [0, 0, 0, 255] rgba(203,117,98,0.4) -> [203, 117, 98, 102]